Sunday, September 8, 2024

Western Hats Are Not Permissible According to Sunni Scholars

I noticed a video showing young students finishing a course on memorizing al-Qur'an al-Karîm. I was saddened to see that the students were wearing western hats. All of these hats were forbidden in widely-used classical texts written or adopted by Sunni scholars in the Osmanlı (Ottoman) times. I will give pictures from books written at different dates and will provide translations at a suitable time.

The following is from Kâdîzâde Ahmed Efendi [Qadizada Ahmad Afandi] (d. 1783), Birgivî Vasiyetnamesi Kâdîzâde Şerhi [Birgivî Will and Testament Kâdîzâde Commentary], Bedir Yayınevi [Bedir Publishing], Istanbul 1988, p.200:

From the famous basic aqida and fiqh book Miftahu'l-Janna known as "Mızraklı İlmihal" and widely distributed and read during the Osmanlı (Ottoman) times:

Here "şapka" means hat, it is a Turkish word used for all the western hats (hats customarily used by non-Muslims) shown in the pictures above. The importance of this book is, it has been very widely used by the people, and distributed and approved by ulama [scholars] and the state in the Osmanlı [Ottoman] lands over several centuries.

Additional documents and translations will be provided inshaallah in due time.

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